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Wedding Anniversaries: Which anniversary are we celebrating?

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Wedding Anniversaries… What Are They Called?

Wedding Anniversary: a memory of the big day, a promise of a long future

Dear couples and friends,

In the world of weddings, every detail holds a special meaning and value. We’re not just talking about the big day itself, but also those moments that follow, marking the passage of time and strengthening the bond between two people. We’re talking about wedding anniversaries.

Each year that passes since the “I do” represents an added chapter to a couple’s love story. And every chapter deserves to be celebrated. Traditionally, each anniversary is associated with a specific material or theme, symbolizing an aspect of married life. From a wedding planner’s perspective, these traditions present wonderful opportunities to renew vows and celebrate love in ever-new and meaningful ways.

Materials that reflect an evolving bond

In the early years, the materials representing each anniversary are simpler and more accessible: paper for the first year, cotton for the second, leather for the third. These symbols represent the growth and adaptability required in the early stages of a marriage, when a couple is still building the foundation of their life together.

As time goes on, the materials become more enduring and precious. The tenth anniversary is celebrated with tin or aluminum, symbols of flexibility and resilience. Silver, marking the twenty-fifth anniversary, represents the brilliance and elegance of love that has grown over time.

And then there are the significant milestones, the anniversaries that only a few couples are fortunate enough to reach. The fiftieth anniversary is the golden year, a symbol of love that has withstood the test of time. The sixtieth is the diamond anniversary, a stone representing indestructibility and the eternity of love.

All the anniversaries and their corresponding materials

  • First anniversary: Paper
  • Second anniversary: Cotton
  • Third anniversary: Leather
  • Fourth anniversary: Linen or Silk
  • Fifth anniversary: Wood
  • Sixth anniversary: Iron
  • Seventh anniversary: Wool or Copper
  • Eighth anniversary: Bronze
  • Ninth anniversary: Terracotta
  • Tenth anniversary: Tin or Aluminum

From the tenth anniversary onward, the material changes every five years:

  • Fifteenth anniversary: Crystal
  • Twentieth anniversary: China
  • Twenty-fifth anniversary: Silver
  • Thirtieth anniversary: Pearl
  • Thirty-fifth anniversary: Coral
  • Fortieth anniversary: Ruby
  • Forty-fifth anniversary: Sapphire
  • Fiftieth anniversary: Gold
  • Fifty-fifth anniversary: Emerald
  • Sixtieth anniversary: Diamond

A Wedding Planner for Anniversaries Too?

As a wedding planner, organizing an anniversary celebration holds a special emotion. It’s not just an event but a celebration of love and commitment that doesn’t fade over time. It’s an opportunity to relive memories, renew vows, and look to the future with renewed optimism.

Whether it’s your first or your fiftieth anniversary, remember that each year is a milestone to be celebrated. At FM Wedding and Events, we’re here to help you do it in the most beautiful and meaningful way possible.

With love,

The FM Wedding and Events Team